Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Beginning

Today begins a new path in this journey....the addition of this blog. 

I'm not sure what I think of it all yet. 

I'm in design heaven as I tweak, drag, change, and remove all the fun features. 

But I'm not sure quite how to use it to sell my wears (which is the point). 

Late last night I was up looking thru blogs and I found myself instantly connecting to bloggers, especially the SAHMs. I laughed...cried...and bonded.  I found myself thrusted into their world as I read their own words which made me want to check out their Etsy stores...and because I'd spend time in their virtual blogging sphere, I felt like I knew them well enough to possibly purchase from them.  Ahhh, the power of the blog.  So we'll see.  I plan to use it as another form of advertisement, a source of information, and a place to connect. 

If nothing else it will be a place where I can send my words into the world wide web to see what they can do.  And if you know me, you know I love a challenge.


  1. You will do great on this new journey, Ms. Waggoner! You do have a special gift in expressing your thoughts as well as your artistic talent! Lots of luck on this new challenge:)

    Sue S.

  2. Just like all your other creative ventures, you'll succeed with this too! If you find any really good SAHM blogs you think are worth sharing, pass those along. There are certainly some days where I could use a good laugh or some comfort from women who are living the same experiences. :)

  3. You know I will read every word and laugh and cry right along with you. Looking forward to your next post!

